F.lux for screen addicts
It's because the intense luminosity of digital screens disrupts your sleep by confusing your biological clock.
Little reminder of the steps to go through:
- Melatonin is produced by the epiphysis, a gland in your brain. It's a sleep hormone.
- When it's dark, your epiphysis thinks night has fallen. This gland hurries to produce melatonin, which puts you to sleep.
- When it's light, your epiphysis thinks it's daytime. It stops producing melatonin, and you dont feel like sleeping.
LED lighting messes up the mechanism: your brain thinks it's daytime, and without melatonin, you can't fall asleep...!
F.lux, the solution
This little program was conceived to relax your eyes. Flux is a simple and efficient way to protect you from the effect screens have on your sleep.
Once installed, Flux automatically changes the tint of your screen depending on the current natural light. It's blueish in the morning, then turns progressively ochre (the wavelength doesn't disrupt melatonin production either) to insure maximum oculary comfort. All you need to do is register your geographical location in the app so that it can synchronise with the local solar cycle.
Downside ? It's only available for computers. There is Twilight for Android smartphones, but for Iphones and Ipads, unfortunately, ther's not much out there...
Dodow also emits blue light: but it doesn't inhibit your melatonin production.
With only 1 lux of intensity (compared to a computer screen or tablet screen that can go from 160 to 640 lux) and only 20 minutes of exposure tops, Dodow is perfectly harmless!